Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Welcome to JA On Fire.

Basketball is what I do.

My name is John Aillie, I'm a ex washed up has been Basketball player from the NBL in Australia.

I have this really gay side kick named DJ Rod, hes a ranga, but I just let him think hes really kool and stuff and that makes him happy, but he needs to get into the real world and realise that hes just a full on total GEEK AND NERD with computer nerdy skills. He will get bashed at a Crocs game 1 day (by u know who) and be taught a lesson 4 life!.

A little about me, well I'm pretty much like DJ Rod, except I've actually played in the NBL and worked under a NBL club unlike may people who dream and pretend and DONT HAVE A CLUE WHAT TO DO OR HOW THE NBL TEAMS ACTUALLY WORK, I get a good laugh at these wanna bee sites like GAYHoopsboards and forums like that full of geeky nerds.

Anyways, more info coming soon.

Have a nice week wont you.